Network Communications News (NCN) February 2017 | Page 4


A Sign of the Digital Times

Everything is going digital these days . It may sound like the protestations of a technophobe but it ’ s an inescapable sign of the times . Actually , even The Times has gone digital . Anyway , I digress . Have you paused to look around at all the devices in your house or office recently ? Have you stopped to think about just how much of your life is in digital form on your PC , phone or tablet ? You are likely reading this on one of those very mediums , and later you ’ ll be writing letters , doing your shopping and organising your finances with those same bundles of circuitry , indestructible glass and questionable ergonomics .
The seemingly unstoppable march towards total digital integration has , as of our last issue , enveloped this very magazine , and as I write , we are firmly fixed in the gaze of a new digital mistress ; planning our next rendezvous and
Haydn Thorne Editor
getting to know one another a little bit better .
Fear not ; this doesn ’ t mean that Network Communications News will be blasting at you in 3D from your smartphone or tablet accompanied by ludicrous pop-ups and hideously underwhelming content anytime soon ; it also doesn ’ t mean the content within will be written in ‘ txt ’ speak or indecipherable jargon . What it does mean is that a period of evolution is upon us , as the constraints of print media are banished and the flexible , pixelated pillow of digital media allows NCN even greater comfort in which to evolve and continue as the trade ’ s number one networking news publication .
So , what can our readers expect from this new dawn ? Well , the change is actually two-fold . As I have come in as the new editor , so has the change to digital media .
So , there are developments afoot related to both . The trained eyes amongst you may notice one or two new sections ; including a new article each month focusing on curious aspects of the network industry ; these will vary from the informative to the downright intriguing .
Also , we are no longer constrained by the physicality of print , so expect NCN to fluctuate , ruminate and postulate in new and exciting ways over the next few months , whilst it shuffles into a new , snug fit of digital excellence . It ’ s a case of out with a smidgen of the old but in with some exciting new , and it ’ s going to make NCN an even more complete publication .
Otherwise , it ’ s business as usual ; we are featuring uninterruptible power supplies and fibre optic testing . We ’ ve got news and opinion from across the industry and all the latest products for your perusal .

Next time …

Industry Focus
Switches & routers
Data centres
Cable management & labelling
The March issue of Network Communications News will contain three major features as well as its regular range of features and news items . This month ’ s features will be swiches & routers , data centres and cable management & labelling and test equipment & tools .
It will comprise major articles and a comprehensive product round up which will be used as a reference point by network cabling infrastructure installers , integrators and end users .
Network Communications News
To make sure you don ’ t miss the opportunity to advertise your products to this exclusive readership , call Francesca on 01634 673163 or email francesca @ allthingsmedialtd . com
4 | February 2017