Network Communications News (NCN) August 2017 | Page 38

KNOW HOW The data centre of tomorrow – more power, fewer humans Moore’s Law, termed by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore a little over 50 years ago, stated technology would rise exponentially, with transistors doubling in quantity every two years. Steve Kyprianou, managing director at TSI, examines this progress and looks at the data centre of tomorrow and what it could look like. M oore’s predictions have become the golden rule by which processing has increased and, in fact, modern statistics suggest this rise sees more of an 18-month cycle. Today, there is more processing power in a single handheld device than that which NASA had at its disposal during the moon landings. So, as this increase continues, where does that leave our data centres in the future? 38 | August 2017 There are many considerations, not least the structure of the data centre but also the purpose of our data usage. In addition, we will need to consider flexibility, cost, speed – and coping with it. Then there are the regulations around energy and cross-nation applications and, of course, the technology itself and disaster recovery. It appears to be a minefield, but is it one that we’ll adapt to in the same way our foreseers were predicting 50 years ago? One fear is that processing power will outstrip the capabilities of the human brain – but I’m happy to leave that notion to Hollywood for the time being and just examine how the future will look and how it may impact us, our clients and our clients’ data. What’s next? The days of being tied to a single networking vendor or technology are on the demise as we see Open Standards allowing separation