NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 95

empowering their reputation as sustainable quality creators , getting other things in the FC for free , and freeing their time to do things they could not normally do . In return , they will give their surplus to the FC .
As costs drop , and the need to produce reduces as it becomes more sustainable , the need for loans and the price to sustain paying them back also reduce . This evolution continues to the point where there are no costs of production that require money ; everything produced is free solely for the FC , and everyone has had a great time creating , having learned something new and valuable . In the process , the plant need no longer be ‘ owned ’ by anyone except the people who are interested in producing what it makes .
2 The factory has its labour for free , but what about resources ? No problem . In the same way , the resource suppliers are offered the same proposal , and so it goes down the line to the real resource creators : farmers and miners . Farmers will have all the labour they need to produce high yields using permaculture methods , supporting labour with what they need while they are there in the most respectful and sustainable way possible . Miners will mine resources that have the capacity to be used over and over as innovation improves . Many miners might even become waste collectors as innovations improve to use this waste in productive ways , if we have waste at all .
3 These cycles continue until everyone is using this time to the most effective way possible , as they see fit . Time spent producing decreases while time spent experiencing and creating increases . All people are supported in education and to experience more , there is a lot of down time to just be present .
As we spend so much time , talent , and energy with media selling useless crap to us , there are certainly innovative people that can present the idea to people , but then , unlike current models where you are forced to sell something that has no meaning for you , the seed is here to see how much meaning the FC can give you . You will gain so much more for yourself and others through the Free Community , more than money will ever give you .
4 This is not a legislated model , but designed on total free choice . If you are thinking of grading people to where they fit in this , you are missing the point . This is what money does . It is their choice , not yours . Encourage people to be , and they will give so much more back . Feeding them proper food so they can think as real people is a good start to do that .
You are also not dependent on money to build projects , but people . Offer advantages for people to get involved and they will come . You will get many more people than money will ever buy you . You get them for free , like everything else you are getting , and you give for free . Think of the ROI on that !