NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 92

Firstly , we are making people stupid so they think debt money is the only option . We also have employed more enforcing administration , like police and government processing departments , who think they are doing something for their community , and getting off on it in the process , e . g . “ Man , this job makes me feel so important , because I can do to others what my parents used to do for me , and / or they can be proud of me .” Etc . Very simplified , but just look at how inhuman these people are becoming , and why they have the job ... because they trust government to feed them , while keeping them stupid .
See , our native instinct is to trust , not fear . But I think the biggest destroyer of CoCs / ACs is ego . We have a personal interest to gain status through the creation of and exchange model that we can be known for , and think this is a currency for validation . How many books are written by so many people that offer change , but change so little ? Yet you have to buy the book ! At what price ? This is so funny . We keep going through loops for change , not of change . How long have we been doing that ?
In the meantime , we accept using a currency that chokes us , because authorities say so . We then buy the book to help us alleviate our pain , and so it goes . We stay perpetually disconnected , hoping for an icon to save us , forgetting we are our own icons , and want others to be the same . That is far more connected than it sounds because we are not the same icons .
So , I propose gifting . I can ’ t own it , can ’ t tell people what to make , can ’ t tell them to believe in me , but I can tell them to believe in themselves , and that no one own ’ s this except them . This can make me the most humble person on earth , or the most conceited egocentric person you could ever meet . I ’ d go with the latter , but I want you to be the same , because only then I can have a friend I can create with . The argument to make quantitative currencies is based on a maligned concept of what human nature is . If we understand that human nature is a status animal wanting to survive , and that we want to trust and learn from each other , what would be the best measure of exchange that facilitates this in the most sustainable way possible …?
Zeitgeist and Ubuntu
The arguments for either are compelling , but I think the results are not humannature focussed . Zeitgeist thinks that 5 % of the human race will spend time doing what the 95 % want , giving nothing , living in processed homes doing the same thing . That ’ s not human , local , or culture centric . We will become transparent fluff balls . Current money hides this very well , it supports being fluff balls that can ’ t do anything , so they feel content staying this way . Zeitgeist brings this out in the open , taking away any differentiation for status if we are not creators , so it will breed some bad things .
Outside of the mystical aspects of Tellinger ’ s argument , he focuses at least 3-hours a day for the community , and at least 3-hours a week on his own creations . The structure