NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 73

Is there intelligent design? What is God? Does God play dice or poker as we play Russian roulette? I don’t think so. I don’t feel so in my heart, my-self, soul, Self. We cannot appropriate or approximate God through the tautology of the teleological argument. But design? What intelligence Is the Material Universe? Just a chance numerological incident? This we can explore. What about these apples from Michael Meacher11 writing of a certain theory and of the “balance between centrifugal and centripetal forces” at the moment of the Big Bang. He writes about it being so “mind-blowingly exact” in that if the centrifugal force had been “too strong,” or the centripetal force had been “to weak,” we would have had an expansion that was too fast to form galaxies or an immediate “re-collapse.” The “early instants had to be fine-tuned to perhaps one part in 10.55 That is a precision with a deviation of only 1/1000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000,th equivalent to hitting a dartboard on the other side of the universe billions of trillions of miles away.” ness-bliss.” Existence-consciousness-bliss,10 the three being One, is non-duality. We have then the seer with supra-natural intuition/insight. If true, this is another sort of intuitive education to which there are no intuition fees. Surely collectively and evocatively we have sighed from the depths for Apocatastasis, a restorative ascending sensibility to be founded on, then absorbed by, truth, by our very own Self, by Bliss. Bliss-fully aware. How many of us can claim in ‘uncomplicated milliseconds’ to have fled the temporal world unto an uncommon good of limitless joy, to return in suzerainty over the senses? And, how many of us want or feel the need to? Is there a greater intelligence to guide us? “Science is wonderfully equipped to answer Intelligent Design of our Time? the question “How?” but it gets terribly “A motion and a spirit that confused when you ask the question “why?” impels all thinking things, ~ Erwin Chargaff all objects of all thoughts, and rolls through all things.” ~ William Wordsworth Sat-Chit-Ananda Michael Meacher Destination of the Species, the Riddle of Human Existence. First published by 0 books, 2010 p22-23. 10 11