NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 69

usness bomb Self Consciousness Through ages of turmoil, human-kind (us, we, they, you, I) have deliberated, contemplated, worked on, or within, or against ~ do we exist at all? The universal idea of what is human self consciousness: the ‘I’ and associated ‘am.’ What trouble it has brought upon us, and divisions amongst us. What “percolating strife1”, yet what opportunity! As we move past the 11th hour, might we become humanbeings-kind? I think we must. At present we have a contused brain, a sort of collective ‘conjunctivitis’ of the mind. How to rectify this and allow for an elevation of the human consciousness, where harmony prevails because truth persists, and wise inculcating husbandry of this planet’s resources pertains, is a question and answer session for you. But let’s inquire here, for a while, together, our prolix lives. “I think therefore I am2”. So let’s get to it. Brzezinski Descartes 1 2