NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 59

forms, geometries, ratios and proportions expressing themselves in a veritable dance of musical harmonies. We see that time and space utilise fractal geometry to create a unified field symmetry that allows the electrical principle and potential of life to emerge and evolve. The birth of a truly sustainable living pattern is optimised when consciousness finds a home in the energetics of a space. The optimal birth process, which involves all of these harmonics of creation, requires an environment which creates and functions as a natural implosive charge field attractor. It can be useful to visualise and imagine a series of Russian Dolls. These are beautifully painted carved and hollowed out wooden figures, which open up to hold each other in a fractal cascade of perfect embedding. The large doll opens and holds the rest, and the second one opens and presents the rest and so on. The principle here is one of perfected harmonic embedding, and points towards the principle of life as observed in nature. As we extend outwards, harvesting and experiencing continually expanding field symmetries, we see that the landscaping and positioning of the paramagnetic stone array, trees and pathways add further context richness to the energetic matrix. When we expand further again we see that