NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 57

They include a supportive environment that is calm, dark, clean and uncluttered, access to a bed rest space, a toilet and shower, a warm birth pool, an adjacent rest space for a present but non interfering midwife, doula, friend or family member. A healthy space is also very important, in terms of no ‘electro smog’ from mains electricity, good air ventilation, appropriate light levels, balanced humidity, no toxic material off gassing etc. The actual birth space itself should be dark and small, without visual line of sight to the door way etc. The key is to reduce and perhaps eliminate stress and to create an environment which supports the birthing couple fully. Once the child is born, and unless there is some unexpected difficulty, all it needs is calm, quiet and skin to skin contact with the mother. ‘Touch’ initiates a truly miraculous energetic and bio chemically partnership between the mother and child which sets in motion all that is required for both to thrive. Ultimately, each mother, child and birth experience is unique, but it is possible to drawn forth some basics that enhance the experience. It is the pure principle set of rules for design, construction and land use ~ which utilises the necessary 'fractal' or rose like symmetry/ shape of electric fields which allow all living systems to thrive. The premise behind biologic architecture is that all life responds well to design that is in accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials and sharp corners, which literally bleed (haemorrhage) capacitive charge. The ultimate goal of bioarchitecture is to create fractal charge fields that are implosive in nature and encourage life. An ideal example of this concept is found in a rose’s petals, which unfold along the golden mean ratio and are fractal, meaning that they are capable of infinite non-destructive interference and attract charge inward towards the centre causing implosion (the electrical principle of life itself). Bioarchitecture So by studying and understanding the symmetry of electric fields causing health versus disease we rediscover that an overwhelming simple and yet compelling rule or pattern emerges. Applying this beautiful algorithm to architecture and space design ~ we can see exactly why the design of ‘living’ space ~ must be exactly that ~ an electrically living space. An electrically alive space (sometimes called 'sacred') ~ is simply the space where charge can breathe efficiently and thus achieve the (multiply connected/ holographic and fractal) distributed resonance called awareness ~ the thrust of all living systems. Bioarchitecture is the Art and Science of designing and building spaces which create, support and enhance life and living systems. Whenever we observe and study any living system, from DNA, to a flower, a person, a planet or galaxy, we see the same shapes, In describing how the Birth Pod can offer a possible upgrade to the standard model and incorporate the above-mentioned needs, it is necessary to outline the basic principles of Bio Architecture, which serve as the guiding design protocol.