NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 46

A quoted definition of insanity is ~ doing the same thing , whilst expecting different results ; Continually researching synthetically produced chemicals for use in protocols to treat cancer is simply not working in the vast majority of cases . The research has been going on for over 80 years and billions of dollars have been used . Sadly , the allopathic approach is no closer to finding a cancer cure today than they were over 80 years ago . The Allopathic approach to cancer only seems to deal with the symptoms of cancer ~ never the cause ! Find and kill the tumour is their motto , and it seems , whatever the cost to the body . In fact the oncology world has stopped using the word ‘ cure ’, they prefer ‘ in remission ’ or ‘ will extend life for a few more years ’! What about that quality of life !
The medical profession must surely realise that after all the years of research , hundreds of thousands of people are still being touched by cancer in some way . Is it not time for a change or at least to consider another approach ?
Pharmaceutical companies ’ involvement with cancer ; Pharmaceutical companies are some of the largest and most profitable companies in the world and yet people still give money to these organizations via cancer charities ~ money that ’ s going to bolster needless research to further benefit the coffers of those pharmaceutical companies ~ always with the carrot dangling of finding a cure for cancer .
Drug based research must not be confused with Genome and Stem Cell research which certainly has a place for the future advancement of medicine . Researchers must know they will never find a synthetically produced drug that will cure a metabolic problem in the body . We , the public , unwittingly support the status quo of allopathic medicine that is allowing millions of people all over the world to die . While many of the over-the-counter drugs only deal with the symptoms of an illness there are still many ( as mentioned earlier ) prescribed drugs that almost miraculously deal effectively with serious accidents and acute illnesses ; they are just not dealing effectively with degenerative disease .
The clash of paradigms approaches ; the status quo continues because of the intransigent stance taken by the medical profession in not being prepared to look at some of the options that are available to them , often using lack of scientific evidence as the reason .
One could argue that the natural medicine fraternity has also been remiss in not trying hard enough to understand just what has to be done to finally convey to the powers that be , and the public at large , just why natural medicine should be available to every allopathic medical doctor . One reason is clearly the horrific cost of scientific research .
Recurrence of cancer ; Do you know anybody who has been ‘ cured ’ of cancer only for it to return in the years ahead ? The world of oncology only deals with the symptoms of cancer ~ the tumour ~ they never consider the cause of the cancer and attempt to deal with that problem . Yes , some people who have been subjected to the allopathic approach have lived to tell the tale , but what about the hundreds of