NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 44

Let me refer to cancer in particular ; cancer is a metabolic problem and there are countless natural ways to deal with it . But because medical companies can ’ t take out patents on natural treatments , they need to produce synthetically produced chemicals so that patents can be applied for , hence the constant need for them to continually produce chemotherapy drugs , to protect profits .
Are you beginning to see the devastating problem ? It seems that profit is more important than human health ! It ’ s got to stop . The sad thing is more and more people are beginning to accept that dying of a degenerative disease is normal . As stated , dying from ‘ old age ’ does not mean dying from a degenerative disease !
If you believe in God ; whatever you conceive ‘ Him or Her ’ to be , ask yourself the question , do you believe that your God planned that 90 % of us would die from a degenerative disease ? If not , then maybe the way we live has to be the reason and that is something we should investigate as individuals ~ don ’ t just accept this incredible travesty purporting to be the cancer industry .
The problem is compounded further because the allopathic medical profession deals with the majority of the public and at the moment they have the public ’ s trust .
Becoming involved in natural medicine is not an option for allopathic medical professionals due to the lack of scientific evidence that prove natural treatments work and are harmless to the patient as well as the current prescribing legislation . We would add that as more and more anecdotal evidence is routinely produced backing up the positive side of turning to natural medicine , then one has to start questioning the integrity of the medical profession for continually ignoring the evidence . Just what is their hidden agenda that is causing so much harm to the people of this planet ? How much longer can they hide behind the façade of ‘ no scientific evidence ’? Well , we hope to take away that last barrier they have put up . When the truth emerges from this farce , let us hope that we don ’ t discover that certain members of the medical profession have been protecting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry !
Owing to the intransigent stance of the medical authorities , people are not being given the option to choose between allopathic and natural medicine , as doctors are not given the option to prescribe one or the other .
The solution is simple :
1 ) The natural medicine fraternity needs to embark on scientific research to produce results that can be published in medical journals and peer reviewed . 2 ) The medical profession must accept and use where necessary natural medicine that has been scientifically proven to work . They will have to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry , who will fight this approach . If doctors genuinely believe that natural medicine doesn ’ t work then this is their chance to prove it once and for all .