NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 115

Once a declaration of dishonor or harm has been issued to anyone in these organizations ~ the Temple Bar, the Department of Justice, the Jesuits ad infinitum ~ they will by their choice to honor the Truth and Natural Law transform any such defunct body into a reflection of Natural Justice. Essentially, Natural Justice will infiltrate any dishonorable corporation or organization and transform it. Many people who do not understand the principles of Truth will find it difficult to understand how a lawyer or attorney can represent an agent for Natural Justice. It is the duty of those who do understand, to share their knowledge with others, and offer them the chance to acknowledge the Truth. Government is a Latin word meaning “mind control” (“govern-” is “to control”, as in “governor”, and “-ment”, stemming from “mentes”, is “mind”, as in “mental”, “mentation”, etc.), and as such many people assume that any form of government is an attempt to abrogate the free will of the people, and enslave them. But given the principles outlined above, what makes a government “bad” is their failure to honor the public Trust. As such, if a body that ostensibly serves the people does so with full disclosure and gains explicit consent, it is legitimate (de jure, as opposed to de facto). When a people have complete knowledge of Natural Law and act in concert with it, they govern themselves (sovereignty) and work to ensure others have the chance to do the same. This is the definition of government that is acknowledged by the ITNJ, that as individuals we have a duty to uphold and act in accordance with the Truth, and as a collective we have a duty to ensure that the rights of others are honored. End of Article volunteer or support the new earth oracle and To volunteer into the New Earth Institute Design & Development Faculty team please email: [email protected] donate now