NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 107

opposites are merely separations of degree , that all polarities stem from different points of view with regard to one unified seamless spectrum ( hot and cold , day and night , light and dark , etc .). The Principle of Rhythm informs us that all things have their season , all vibrations move from extremes of expression ( polarity ) in cycles ; night to day , fear to bravery , sadness to joy , unconsciousness to consciousness , and so on and so forth . The Principle of Causality is such that all effects have their causes , and that all causes have their effects ; every action has its consequence . The Principle of Gender tells us that there is a masculine and feminine component at play within all things . These two collaborative components are the means by which the process of creation may unfold . Potentials are made manifest by an active force , a catalyst ; in one sense , the potential of the masculine spark is realized by the creative feminine essence , tending “ ever in the direction of generation , re-generation , and creation ”; awareness creates desire , desire creates motion / action , and motion / action creates consequence .
Natural Justice is an acknowledgement of these fundamental aspects of reality . When we become aware of injustice , we seek to take action in order to ensure that the injustice is addressed fairly and honorably .
To acknowledge Natural Law is to choose of one ’ s own volition to harmonize oneself with these inherent laws of Nature , and is codified within the Declaration of Independence :
" We hold these truths to be self-evident : that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness ."
Trust Law - A Consequence of Personalities in Co-creation
We are not alone in the Universe ; what we choose to do has a corresponding effect in turn on all of Creation . In other words , our choices generate consequences . As such , all our actions create a ripple effect of cocreation , an inescapable aspect of Natural Law and of existence itself . While we can choose to ignore the effects of our actions , the results exist inherently in nature , as an aspect of the Truth . As a result of each individual ' s free will , a consequence of Trust is manifested .
Trust is simply an acknowledgement of the Truth , and is established by two or more beings fully disclosing that of which they have become aware via conscious interaction or exchange . When knowledge is accurately shared between two or more beings , a Trust Relationship has been established , thus providing the basis for a contractual or creative undertaking .
Full disclosure is not words written on paper ( a notice ); it is not based upon implied consent or tacit agreement , nor is it founded upon the notion that someone might ’ ve “ nodded their head ” or “ failed to speak up ”. It is a reflection of one individual ’ s mental awareness ( knowledge ) recognized fully and completely by another : a meeting of the minds .