NEO Magazine Issue 2 | Page 41

to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects of humans and their bodies.” One of the more famous cases of hypnotically induced genetic alteration was documented c. 1951 at the Queen Victoria Hospital in West Sussex, England. It involved the cure of Brocq’s disease in a teenage boy. His skin was dry, hardened and reptile-like, and it cracked and bled easily. Using hypnotic suggestion, anaesthetist and hypnotist Dr Albert A. Mason remedied the condition in a matter of weeks—a miracle at the time, since Brocq’s disease is a genetic condition, so eliciting a cure meant that Mason had effectively reprogrammed the boy’s genes (which scientists of the time “knew” was impossible). The boy’s hardened skin fell away, exposing soft, healthy flesh which remained so thereafter. Today we know that by using correct light and sound frequencies—as well as words—we can activate some of our mobile DNA to “re-code” certain portions of the genome, thus effecting a physical transformation at the most fundamental biological level. DNA, Wormholes and Torsion Fields During 1984–85, Gariaev made a startling discovery. He found that an in vitro DNA sample in a test tube had the ability to attract and harness coherent laser light, causing it to spiral along the DNA helix. This alone was an unexpected (and paradigm-shifting) discovery, but it wasn’t all. After the DNA sample and all the apparatus were removed, the photons continued to spiral as if the DNA was still there. This was dubbed the “DNA phantom effect”, and it signified that some “new” scalar/torsion field structure had been excited from the vacuum/aether and was entraining the light even in the absence of the DNA! This effect has been observed to last for up to a month, showing that this new field structure possesses remarkable persistence and stability. Even after blowing the phantom away with gaseous nitrogen, it returns within 5–8 minutes (torsion fields are known to be stable and persistent). Gariaev et al. also remark that “sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments”, showing that DNA not only absorbs and emits light (as is well established) but radio frequencies and phonons as well. Our DNA harnesses both sound and light in its moment-by-moment operations, but, more than this, it “punches holes” in space-time, opening a window to timespace/the time domain. To put it another way, our DNA creates “magnetised wormholes” in the fabric of space—“tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” Most of us know this process as intuition or psychic insight. Ordinary human memory would also operate on similar principles, since available evidence indicates that our