NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 56

are we as a couple? How can we further respect and complement each other? How, in our daily activities, can we enhance our reverence for life? And as we hope, trust and surrender, our physical body organizes itself according our ways of being. Nerves, glands, immune system adopt our mood and convey harmony and health to each organ. According to esotericism, nature has entrusted responsibilities to men and women, regarding a baby’s arrival: - Men, 100% responsibility at conception, the father-to-be brings in the soul he and his companion have attracted. - Women, 100% responsibility during pregnancy, the mother forms the baby’s body. Thus men are also invited to mind their physical and spiritual health, as it all gets registered on their sperm, and I invite you to ponder on this teaching from Hinduism: gold is sunrays in a solid state, sperm is sunlight made liquid. To dedicate the energies of our lovemaking to the forces of light ensures that lower entities do not feed on them. A simple dedication makes all the difference. I once read a Plato’s exhortation for men to avoid being under the influence of alcohol at the time of conception. Also, the environment presiding lovemaking impacts the conception’s quality. It is worth gathering a maximum of harmony: let there be no clouds, no strong winds, no waning moon. Let it be morning rather than afternoon or night so as to better compose with the forces of light, and let there be love! In a woman’s womb cradled in a harmonious atmosphere, the newly fertilized zygote presents on its cell walls more receptors to growth factors than in a tense and stressed womb. More growth receptors is an excellent omen. In the medical journal Biology of the Neonate, French neonatologist Jean-Pierre Relier wrote about this impact of a mother’s psychoaffective quality at conception, echoing the Vedas of long ago who taught that conception is the most important moment of our life. Regarding our inner environment, even when a sexual rapport seems a good way to wipe out the remnants of a fight, let’s remember that the body is still marred with the biochemistry of distress – not so inviting to a great soul –, and that a state of paroxysm is often conducive to ovulation. From cell to baby in just nine months... All of us have embarked on this journey which brings us from the invisible to the visible as wrote the Irish philosopher John O’Donohue in his marvelous book Beauty, The Invisible Embrace: “There is no other way into the world except through the body of the woman. Woman is the portal to the universe. She is also the womb of Being. Each person in the world commenced life as a minuscule trace within the depths of the mother whose womb is the space where that trace expands and opens to assume human form. In terms of one’s later identity and destiny abroad in the world, this is the time of ultimate formation and influence. In human encounter, there is nothing nearer than this; no two humans can ever come closer than when one is forming inside the other’s depth. Naturally the relationship is hugely imbalanced: the one is a complete person, the other is minuscule and is just beginning a journey towards identity through absorbing life from the mother. Yet within the night of her body, each is helplessly open to the other. No man ever comes nearer to a woman. No woman ever comes nearer to a woman. This intricate nurturing and unfolding into identity takes place below the light in the physical subconscious of her body. The mother sees nothing. The whole journey is a hidden one. It is the longest human journey from the invisible to the visible. From every inner pathway, the labyrinth of her body brings a flow of life to form and free this inner pilgrim. Imagine the incredible events that are coming to form within the embryo;