NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 47

That will require pragmatism and compassion, planning with vision and sequencing the steps to get us out of this mess and into a new paradigm, yes a workable framework that can sustain our existence and all of the natural biodiversity that we need to exist together. We are not alone. All things are interconnected. We must recognize the economic law of the interconnectivity of everything. Our policy makers and economists need to consider the totality of their decisions, not just the narrow lobbying interests that are funding them. We the New Earth Consensus need to come forward with a fresh economic paradigm that com- bines the idealism of a vision that we want for our children’s future, with the pragmatic steps that can take us there in real time. Lets call it pragmatic idealism. Rather than adhering to old mantras of greed and self-interest – the “invisible hand” will bring all markets to equilibrium if left alone (so deregulate finance and let the bankers take us all to the cleaners) -- we need a few fresh ideas that can become principles of a new economic paradigm. Lets try: Fusion Economics: Reject ideologically based economic theory. End debate over socialism versus capitalism. Instead opt for pragmatism. Freely combine planning with market to achieve result that better people’s quality of life and utilize resources in a more rational way to sustain our planet. Diversified Localization: Community revival, local businesses, cooperatives, micro-finance, and local currency issues are all part of diversified photography courtesy of laurence brahm a planet to live on. And we cannot get off of this satellite and land anywhere else (all of NASA’s space exploration research funding has been diverted to imperial folly wars). Somehow, we must think above it all, drop differences, join hands, and make our future work.