NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 42

tle any claims brought before him resulting from the use of the people’s property. Under Section 7, “No person shall be held liable in any court for anything done or admitted under this Act.” Courts were not allowed to hold you accountable if you failed to pay a debt. Since you had no choice in the matter, and all your property belonged to the State, under Section 9 of the War Powers Act, the Alien Property Custodian was required by law to settle your debts. Even if you, personally, presented your claim under Oath, under your signature, it had to be settled. War Powers Ac t of 1917, and Banking Emergency Act of 1933 set the framework. The people were roped in under undisclosed “Voluntary” Slavery Contracts beginning with the Social Security Act of 1935. This Act assigned a number to the “Alien Enemies” who were in fact Americans born on the soil. A person designated as an “Enemy of the State” could dispute the charge and write to the President for a Letter of Certification to be removed from the list. A person 60 years old would have had a minimum of $60 Million deposited in their account as a result of the Birth Certificate Registration. An elaborate plan was in place to return the property to the people once the war ended and peace had been declared. Wait a minute. World War I is over. World War II is over. The Korean War is over. The Vietnam War is over. The War on Terror is ……. NOT over. Perpetual War has been declared against the people of the United States – and against the people of the world. It is a fact that most United States citizens have not yet grasped: They have been subjected to the most sophisticated War Propaganda effort that has ever been conducted. Five private Corporations with known ties to the Banking Cabal own and control all Media sources. Well-funded Think Tanks have used churches to sway the people to their political agendas. Like the people portrayed in JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG, it is easier to claim ignorance than to face your participation by your silence. It is confirmed as fact through the Congressional Records that the STATE OF EMERGENCY declared in 1917 has never been lifted. The CORPORATIONS POSING AS GOVERNMENTS kept inching their way in. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, The Social Security Act funded the war effort by assigning a monetary value based upon every live birth, and a set amount to be turned over to the war effort for every year thereafter. The Alien Property Custodian has a Fiduciary Duty mandated by Congress to settle any claims of any debts of the people. There is always a monetary claim at stake, for a traffic ticket, a child support enforcement, a home foreclosure. So why don’t the court’s settle the debts? What if it was the intent all along to rob the people blind? The truth is stranger than fiction. The War Powers Act, as amended, under the Banking Emergency Act of 1933, now included the American people as “Enemies of the State.” The Alien Registration Act of 1940 required the American people to declare themselves as “Alien Resident Enemies” to the occupying power who took over the government of the United States. The purpose of the Registration was masked as the Birth Registration. It was not explained how the footprint of the sole/soul on the birth record provided proof of claim that the infant and all future labors belonged to the occupying power. This bizarre ritual was used by Plantation slave owners to claim infants as their property. An “Enemy” has to have permission that is not normally required. License and Registration is required for almost everything: Voting, Driving, Working, Professional Licenses, Building Permits, you name it.