NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 31

negative energy and the copper wires which are emitting completely rogue radiation giving us cancers, the fluorescent and mercury infused light bulbs which are poisoning us - dulling our pineal functions. We’ve got water gushing through piping beneath us, above us, and around us. That water is highly entropic; it’s very, very dangerous water. All municipal water is highly toxic. And it’s not just toxic to drink, it’s toxic to sit next to, to sleep next to, because it’s carrying fractal emissions which are utterly rogue and those fractal emissions are coming into our bio-circuitry and are completely short-circuiting our immortality. So we’re constantly under siege and under attack from everything that conspires to become our built environment. And that’s not even getting into the serpent culture of the Freemasons and the secret societies that have infected the municipal planning from Washington, D.C. to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia; these bizarre Masonic agendas, which have sought to inculcate satanic ritualism into the city grids, and so on, and so on, and so on. Stepping out of all of that deviation into a logically construed fractal New Earth community, well, if somebody regards that as being transhumanist and a new world order, because we’re being accused by a few detractors of simply trying to harvest people into this kind of utopian mythos before we set about sacrificing them, for God’s sake.
Well, I would sooner move into a New Earth fractal community than stay in a city grid literally being poisoned in my sleep. DM: It’s true, from every angle. Once you realize and start taking note of all these things around us that are just killing us… SS: Yeah. Study the bio-architecture that we have developed over many years, and we are now putting out, which is going to be comprising the New Earth communities. You will not believe the advanced science that we have been discovering in the bio-architecture. Using the sacred number that we have been working with, predicated on the most perfect organic forms, Fibonacci sequencing, M-set mathematical sequencing, paramagnetics, and dielectrics, and the earthing and grounding that we’re doing; the fractal flow that we’ve managed to harness, we’re growing plants hundreds of percentile in increased strength and height by simply charging seeds within the prototypes that we’ve built in Asia. We are talking about living environments that are feeding and infusing the DNA and the mitochondria into its true default. And that’s when it’s going to start getting exciting. When people move into these communities and start living to 150, 170 years of age without any difficulty. Indeed if you ask me, we should be living to many hundreds of years of age without faltering. That is hard-wired into our biology. Ignore all professors of biology who will state otherwise. They are all rendered moot in the face of what we are discovering in the here and now. And that is because we are not transfixed to the delusions and the illusions that academia have been trading with themselves and with the world for millennia. We are no longer part of that transfixation, thank you. We have transcended it and we’re discovering for ourselves true origin. But in all the sciences…look at the pyramids between Bosnia and China and elsewhere. Extraordinary! eyes-wide-shut. These monoliths, these megaliths, the biggest structures on the face of the Earth, they’ve been staring at us and we couldn’t even see them. It’s extraordinary and it’s about the magic and the dream spelling that is falling away, scales are falling from our eyes. We’re seeing things that were there all the time, arcane artefacts, ancient technologies which have been buried and sequestered on the
face of this Earth and within, under the surface of this Earth for millennia are also coming to light now. DM: There’s one last thing, it’s a question I pulled from the New Earth Nation Facebook page and I’d like to get your take on it. Someone asked, “How is this different from the Venus Project?” SS: Well, very simply put, the Venus Project deals with centralized grids and we talk about decentralized grids. We’re not looking to utopianize cities. That is what the Venus Project is doing and