NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 28

DM: I completely see where you’re coming from on that. Every day I find myself thinking, “Look at how the words are used. It’s word magic. They’re doctoring the words.” If you look at what the words mean and how they’re used, you’ll always find your answer. SS: Yes. DM: Once people come to grips with this sort of information and do feel that they’re ready to step into the New Earth Nation, what would they need to do in practical terms, in terms of joining physically in the locations of the New Earth? What would it take from their end, would it be contributing their time or paying somehow? How would that take place? SS: Respectfully, they would have been required to have at least read the template and studied that portal whereupon that kind of question would be moot. And I mean that, not to be disparaging, because what you’re saying is an issue for us. We have a lot of folks being fairly superfluous and reading the surface of who and what we are, being attracted to the shallow notion of sovereignty and consciousness, and then reaching out and saying “help me.” And the answer is no, absolutely not. This is not a charity; help yourself. If you want to engage with the New Earth then at least have the courtesy toward yourself to study the metric that has been painstakingly laid out The fractal community model, if you study it, is based on the water molecule, sacred geometry and the sacred Aum. This is all about helping us to get back into attunement with the Earth, with the crystal-coding so to speak, which is transduced solar-coding, which in turn is transduced galactic coding, meaning to say the Jacob’s ladder, our umbilical cord to the vibral mind of source. there by many people, over many long years. So, you know, spend a day, two days
reading everything that’s there. Certainly the template is the ABC and that will answer those questions. But yeah the exchange, in short, is that you bring self, actualized self, into the New Earth Nation and the New Earth Nation gives you the platform upon which you can prosper and bloom. And all the rest of it, all the fancy science of how we trade resources and assets and ideas, all of that is self-righting. It works itself out through the zeropoint social ecology, because in that space there is no one standing over anyone else. This is not some communist whacko concept where we all trundle around in grey cardigans grinning at each other and sharing salutes. It is not a transhumanist, eugenics concept. It is quite the opposite. We’re talking about re-engaging with the organic premise of being human and taking ourselves out of the artifice of the so-called civilization. DM: Definitely the blueprint and templates that have been posted on the website are a good place for people to start. Go and plough through it all in a few days…. SS: And you see Dan, the point here is really about “what do you want?” as the newcomer, whoever the newcomer is. What do you want? You tell us. What do you envision? Bring that majesty, bring that expression, bring that dream, bring that fantasy, and bring that improbability. Bring it to this space. This space is that playing field, is that sub-space vacuum that will allow for anything and everything to emerge and manifest, provided it’s in attunement with pure truth. If it is in attunement with pure truth it will resonate with people - and the situations and circumstances around it will conspire toward manifesting it. That’s a beautiful thing if you think about it. It means that righteousness really finds its feet. This is what is meant by “the meek will inherit the Earth.” It is a quantum phenomena and a quantum certainty that the highest tone in the symphony will ultimately draw all the bass tones toward it. The highest frequency in the room will draw all the bass frequencies, ultimately, up toward it. The