NENA Newsline | Page 9


BSLA Design Challenge Winner at GROWS!

Congratulations to Sarah Carrier, ASLA (left) winner of the Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA) design challenge. Sarah is seen here with New England GROWS tradeshow director Jennifer McPhee. Sarah’s winning project “Akimbo” will take center stage on the Greenway at New England GROWS in November.

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Natural Landscape Design

for New England

Thursday, December 1, 2016

One of New England’s most innovative landscape designers will share stories from the trenches. Join Rebecca Lindenmeyr, Co-Principal of Linden L.A.N.D. Group in Shelburne, Vermont for inspiration and practical suggestions regarding plant

collections, arrangements, installation and maintenance. Our clients want it all. They want to do good, save the birds, bees, and butterflies and still have neat, pretty, affordable, low maintenance landscapes. Learn how to guide your clients to balance “restoration” and “decoration” while meeting human and ecological needs and embracing a new aesthetic. See stunning examples of designs based on native plant communities.

Understanding & Developing

Your Latino Workforce

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Latinos represent a significant segment of today’s green industry workforce, and they approach their careers with a unique set of cultural beliefs and norms. Join Ellen Ely of Landscape Training Solutions as she explains how you can

overcome obstacles and build bridges to maximize retention, training, and communication. Learn the best way to build your Latino workforce and how, through cultural awareness, you can foster a strong and cohesive team.