NCT Enfield Winter Winter newsletter 2018 | Page 11

Please go to Sleep...... One of the most common exclamations from new parents is “my baby won’t sleep”. Babies need a lot of sleep because they have so much new information to process and they are growing and developing at such a fast pace. Night-time waking If your baby keeps waking up at night it can become very tiring. Night waking in the early weeks and months is normal newborn behaviour. Most babies are unable to sleep through the night — particularly those younger than 12 weeks. Young babies have small stomachs so they need to spread their feeding over a 24-hour period. However, as babies grow they tend to sleep for longer periods at night. While for adults about four-fifths of sleep is deep sleep at night; babies spend more time in light sleep. This means they can wake up more easily than adults. Understanding day and night At first, babies don’t know that night-time is for sleep and day-time is for being awake. They gradually develop this knowledge over the first few months but early on you may find your baby waking too early or at night. By the age of three to six months, and sometimes earlier, patterns begin to emerge with day-time naps becoming increasingly shorter and night-time sleeps longer. Babies’ sleep can also be affected by exposure to daylight and their body temperature. Time spent in daylight, especially the afternoons, seems to help babies to sleep longer at night. Sometimes parents are encouraged to keep their babies awake during the day so that they will sleep better at night — but the results of this are variable, and difficult to be sure of, especially as babies change their sleeping and waking patterns as they grow, whatever you do. Preventing a tired baby from sleeping can be stressful in itself, as they may cry and fuss, and drop off to sleep anyway! Bedtime Most babies will develop a regular sleep pattern over time, although these will continue to change as they grow. Eventually, you will probably find that they have a regular bedtime so you can finally get that longed-for night’s sleep.