NCC Distance Education Summer and Fall 2017 | Page 18

SOC 209 – RACE CLASS ETHNICITY This course explores racial , ethnic , and class diversity , identity , and inequality . It examines social relations between and among racial and ethnic groups in the United States , and relevant comparisons to other western and non-western societies . It examines the role of discrimination , prejudice , and stereotyping in intergroup relations . Also , it investigates how class privileges and disadvantages shape patterns of social mobility . The course pays particular attention to immigration to the United States and its effects on American society , in light of current research and theory .
SOC 210 - CRIMINOLOGY Prerequisites : SOC 201 or ANT 203 . The nature , significance and causes of crime : statistics of crime and delinquency ; historical development of criminological theory ; modern explanations of crime , criminal laws and courts ; police and prisons .
SOC 212 – SOCIAL PROBLEMS Application of sociological principles to problems of social disorganization and deviant behavior in industrial societies . Analysis of such problems as family disorganization , race conflict , poverty , mental illness , suicide , aging , crime and delinquency , drug and alcohol addiction , overpopulation and the ecological crisis .
SOC 220 – SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Prerequisites : SOC 201 or ANT 203 . The family as a social institution and the roles of men , women and children in different societies . Types of families ; how they develop and change . The social characteristics of the American family , its relation to the economy , government , religion and law . Problems of the family in modern industrial societies ; conflict , divorce , mobility and mental illness .
NCC 101 – COLLEGE EXPERIENCE An introduction to the world of higher education . The goal of the course is to give students the skills , insights , and knowledge to make the most of their college experience . Among the topics covered :
* The philosophy , mission , and goals of higher education ;
* The role of campus resources ( labs , library , counseling services , extracurricular activities , etc .) in the educational process ;
* Listening , note-taking , time management and study skills ;
* Faculty and student expectations and responsibilities ;
* Academic disciplines and their relationship to careers ; and
* The college community as a mirror of cultural diversity .
* The course will also help students develop sufficient motivation to pursue their studies as active , responsible learners .
SPS 102 – CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND EXPLORATION The course examines individual behavior in the social contexts of personal , family , work , and group backgrounds . Using extensive career development and psychological theories from a wide range of research , the course assists the individual to determine successful methods of self-assessment and exploration , resulting in the achievement of a broad perspective of the world of work . Social factors such as job market volatility , industry trends and environmental and technological needs are reviewed for successful career exploration and decision making .
SPS 111 – UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE USE / ABUSE , ADDICTION The course will address the nature of chemical dependency , recovery and treatment . Students will have an opportunity to analyze their own assumptions and attitudes toward chemicals and chemically dependent persons and develop an understanding of the biopsychosocial disease model of addiction . The course will also provide students with an understanding of drugs and drug abuse in American culture . The history of various drugs , their effects on society and human behavior will be examined .
SPS 201 – PERSPECTIVE-PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The course enables the understanding of the social and personal experiences of people with disabilities . Emphasis is placed on how different cultures view and interact with this population .
THR 100 – THEATRE APPRECIATION Prerequisites : Satisfactory completion of remedial reading . A survey of the aesthetic and technical factors involved in the emergence of written drama as a produced work of theatre art . For students whose curricular emphasis is not theatre . Attendance at theatrical productions required .
WST 101 – INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN ’ S STUDIES Focusing on the roles of women in a cross-cultural context , this course introduces the student to the discipline of Women ' s Studies and serves as a basis for more specialized courses . It treats such issues as women in the family , workplace , and community ; images of women in the arts , professions and popular culture ; and women ' s contributions in a variety of fields .