NAVEX 1st Quarter 2017 Edition First Edition | Page 7

Commodores (DCO) as a unit for the rest of the week. During the week they attended the National Staff Operations Committee (OPCOM) meeting to hear staff reports and joined with the National staff for the rest of the week’s activities. These included a round robin where their district’s Operations Plan was reviewed and where they met with the National Directorate leadership and were briefed on program management. They also met with their area Deputy National Commodores for discussions of area concerns and attended a day of National Board meetings. Saturday was a full day of facilitated workshops based on the Coast Guard’s core competencies and the week was polished off Sunday morning when they met with their DCOS and DCO and staff met in their directorates to discuss the week’s events and the course ahead. NAVEX: In one or two sentences, what was the “take home message” for the Auxiliary from N-Train? COMO Gates: There were three take home messages: One is that they all are a part of something more than just their districts, divisions and flotillas. The second is that their District’s Operations Plans needed to mesh with the Auxiliary’s Strategic Plan as well as the Sector Commander’s plan, which identifies areas of need through the GAP analysis. The third and perhaps the most important is that leadership is something to aspire to and needs as much or more work than other qualifications. Academy AIM program and recruiting for the active duty. Two new areas of inclusion to be stood up are a clergy support program and a docent program for the Coast Guard museum. NAVEX: What can we concentrate on as individuals in our training this year to best support Team Coast Guard? COMO Gates: The Auxiliary Strategic Plan (http:// outlines the way ahead. While the plan deals in broad concepts, the one page executive summary on Page 7 provides the guidelines to what each of us as a member can do to help further the Auxiliary mission: “To promote and improve Recreational Boating Safety; to provide a dive rse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways and coastal regions; and to support Coast Guard operations, administrative and logistical requirements”. In short, there’s something for everyone and everyone needs to be Semper Paratus. USCG Aux Photo NAVEX: What are the changes coming this year that may impact the Auxiliary the most? COMO Gates: Answering the Commandant’s call for Human Capital resources, inclusion of the Auxiliary in Coast Guard activities is key. Recreational Boating Safety is still job one and the addition of the paddle craft program for on- water safety is just getting underway. The Coast Guard is seeking further Auxiliary assistance in areas that include support and expansion of existing programs such as food service, the active duty ombudsman program, health services, the 7