NAV EX 2nd Qtr. 2017 NavEx 2nd Qtr 2017 | Page 15

fety Check Program th ANNIVERSARY Story by Joseph Giannattasio This year marks the 70th anniversary of what would become a key cornerstone of the contemporary Coast Guard Auxiliary - Vessel Examinations. Now known as the Vessel Safety Check Program, in 1947 the Courtesy Motorboat Examination (CME) program was originated and quickly became one of the Auxiliary’s paramount missions. The Vessel Safety Check Program (VSCP) is responsive to the safety needs of the recreational boating community and helps boaters achieve voluntary compliance with federal and state recreational boating safety laws. The Coast Guard established safety standards and regulations, and assigned authority to the Auxiliary to train and qualify members as examiners. As a result of being a component of the Coast Guard, it is not uncommon for the public to look upon the Auxiliary as experts in this field. Appropriately, Auxiliary Vessel Examiners have the opportunity and responsibility to share knowledge with boaters about the benefits of having the correct safety equipment onboard their vessels. In 2016 the Auxiliary performed 117,798 Vessel Safety Checks and issued 94,253 VSCP decals nationwide. Joseph Giannattasio, USCG Aux Joseph Giannattasio, USCG Aux PREVIOUS PAGE: A vessel examiner holds up the 1966 Auxiliary Decal. ABOVE LEFT: Auxiliary Vessel Examiner James Brady (5NR) checks a boat owner’s personal flotation device during a Vessel Check at a local marina. ABOVE RIGHT: Vessels passing safety checks are awarded a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Decal that informs boating law-enforcement & safety agency’s that the boat was in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws during a safety check for that year. OR express 15