Naturally Kiawah Magazine Volume 36 | Page 19

In general, animals need four things to survive: food, water, cover, and space. This is true of all animals from snakes to bobcats to birds. The amount of land needed by an animal to find these four requirements is known as its “home range.” As a rule, predatory species such as bobcats have a much larger home range than prey species such as deer and rabbits. Bobcats are abundant on Kiawah Island because they can readily find the food, water, cover ,and space that they need to survive. In fact, food and water are probably the easy part. Development on Kiawah has had the effect of creating optimal habitat for prey species, such as cotton rats, squirrels, rabbits, and deer. Yards, roads, and golf courses create gaps in the forest that allow sunlight to reach the ground, promoting understory growth along edges, which is ideal habitat for prey species. In addition, irrigation and fertilization of native and landscaped shrubbery provides high-quality food sources for these species as well. The third requirement, cover, is also found throughout Kiawah in the form of undeveloped lots, buffer strips, marsh edges, secondary dunes, and conservation areas. The fact that these undeveloped areas are interspersed throughout the Island is important. Because of this, bobcats do not have to travel very far to find the cover that they need. As development continues, the amount of cover on the island will continue to decrease and efforts to create, preserve, and enhance areas of dense cover will become much more important. The final requirement for animals is space. Because the amount of “space” on Kiawah Island is fixed, it limits the number of bobcats on the island. The easier it is for bobcats to find the food, water, and cover that they need to survive, the less “space” they need, and the more bobcats the island can support. Why are bobcats so important to Kiawah Island? The short answer is that they are a top predator and play an essential role in the balance of the ecosystem by helping to control rodent and deer populations. Research on Kiawah has shown that bobcats take approximately 50 percent of the deer fawns born each year. This natural control helps regulate and maintain deer numbers at acceptable levels, thereby reducing deer-vehicle collisions and landscape shrubbery damage. Kiawah Island has many rare qualities: a spacious beach, first class amenities, and beautiful homes. But don’t forget the bobcats. They may be the most truly unique thing that Kiawah has to offer. NK Meet Jim Jordan. He has been the Wildlife Biologist for the Town of Kiawah Island since 2000. He is from Columbia, SC and received a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Furman University and a Master of Science Degree in Wildlife Ecology and Management from the University of Georgia. Jim’s work at Kiawah involves nuisance wildlife management, invasive plant control, beach management, wildlife population surveys, community outreach, and wildlife research. Over the last 16 years, Jim has conducted and/or coordinated a variety of research projects on Kiawah Island, focusing primarily on white-tailed deer ecology and fawn survival, bobcat ecology and habitat use, songbird migration and banding, and most recently, coyote behavior and habitat use.  His bobcat research has been featured in National Wildlife and South Carolina Wildlife. 17