Naturally Kiawah Guest Edition 2014 | Page 28

Kiawah Island Bobcats Population - Currently 25-35 bobcats on Kiawah Island • 8-10 adult females • 4-5 dominant adult males • 2-3 transient adult males • Juveniles of both sexes Home Range - Typical 650-1,500 acres • Male range is usually 1.5-2 times that of a female’s Denning • Located in patches of vegetation • 1-5 acres of vegetative cover needed for each • Females move dens frequently Types of Habitat - Needed to sustain healthy populations • Secondary dunes • Marsh edge • Hummock islands • Scrub/shrub vegetation • Understory Photograph courtesy of Susie Rhodes White-Tailed Deer Description - Reddish coat during summer, darker gray coat during winter. Males have antlers and fawns have white spots for first few months. The underside of the tail is strikingly white and is raised when alarmed. Males typically weight 100-175 lbs with females being smaller at 90-120 lbs. Population - Kiawah is home to approximately 500 deer. Hunting is not allowed on Kiawah. Deer numbers are naturally controlled by bobcats and other predators. Food Habits - They consume a variety of native and o