Natural Muscle May 2015 | Page 56

ON THE COVER Tom DeLauer W e all have mentors in our lives that help show us the way to do things, teach us the shortcuts, or instruct us on life’s most valuable lessons. Sometimes these teachers are very apparent and sometimes they are a bit less obvious, but still they guide us to make the right choices simply by their state of being. In my life, my dogs are my teachers. Over the years they have taught me not to judge, to be who I am, and to teach me a down to earth way of doing things that has ultimately resulted in not only a positive and confident mindset, but a healthier physical state as well. Through an unconditional love that cannot be matched, my dogs have reinforced my confidence to achieve what I thought before was never possible. They say that you become a product of your surroundings; that if you spend time with a negative crowd, you too will become negative simply by association. But what about surrounding yourself with the most positive, encouraging, and unalloyed motivators that possibly exist? Well, you simply become unstoppable, and that is what has happened in my case with my canine counterparts. They don’t let me have an off day. Their unadulterated way of living life has taught me that you simply get out of something what you put in. They simply love, and appreciate every day that they are alive, and to me, that is the ultimate motivator to be a better person, both mentally and physically. I live a down to earth, outdoorsy, and very organic life, and when it comes to fitness, my dogs help bridge that gap for me. They encourage me to be fit for different reasons than just aesthetics. They remind me that I am working to be fit in order to live a healthy and active life that is conducive for all around longevity. They do this ve lif th is conducive longe by displaying their happiness to wake up to another day each and dis yin heir hap di playing the r happiness ying p anot every morning. every morning. mo ng Commitment Commitment m t There are days when I get out of bed and it is a struggle to even day days out bed and it is slip on my running shoes, let alone go outside to do cardio. But e alo outsid side id there is something about your loyal companion looking you square your loyal companion lo o m an l anion in the eyes with such eagerness to run with you that compels you to eager erness er with you th u forego the procrastination and get out there and do it. It is a level of t o there e d accountability that is entirely unmatched. There isn’t a single workt bilit th t i ti l t h d Th i out that my dogs have guilted me into that I have come to regret; it invariably is a win/win for both the dogs and me. My dogs mirror and enhance my activity level and my lifestyle. When I am more focused and driven to be healthier, my dogs are right there by my side. When I am exercising more, my dogs are exercising more and when I am eating healthier, my dogs are eating healthier alongside me. It is a perpetual cycle that only ends in a positive result so long as there is that continued accountability. 56 Natural Muscle Magazine May 2015 Trust and Adventure One of the most powerful lessons that my dogs have taught me have been that of living life outside of my comfort zone. They’ve inspired me to be the outdoorsman that I am; to get out and embrace every opportunity that life throws at me. Dogs don’t break life down into minute fears; they live life day to day and are only fearful of what is directly a physical threat. Consequently, they have shown me ways to eliminate the useless fears from my life and focus only on what is exciting and what I am passionate about. This has allowed me to find myself in ways that I never would have been capable of doing otherwise. Amazing things happen when you get outside with your dog! What would you do if you knew you could never fail? In my eyes, belief is one of the most powerful feelings that you can possess, and having those around you that believe in you, is absolutely invaluable. The loyalty of my dogs lets me know that no matter how hard I may fall, whether it be in physical, emotional, or business endeavors, I will always have a support system that will never pass judgment on me. If you look into a dog’s eyes, you can see that they love you for who you are and nothing less. A dog can be the most priceless motivator for someone’s fitness journey as they will not ever stop believing in you. So, will a dog make you ripped and in shape overnight? Probably not. But a dog will allow you to uncover what it is that you aspire to be, and they will continue to push you to new heights, many times without you even knowing it. The unequivocal love of a dog is enough to empower you to overcome even the darkest of times and continue to persevere to achieve the level of fitness that you need, and let’s not forget, it’s hard to resist those puppy-dog eyes asking to go for yet another run! Thomas DeLauer is an accomplished fitness cover model, fitness personality and motivational spokesperson who prides himself on his extremely down-to-earth and organic approach on diet, training, relationships, and life in general. Thomas’ focus is on encouraging and motivating those around him to use a healthy body and mind to find where their true passion lies and to Workout to Live, not Live to Workout. You can follow Thomas via the following: Instagram: @ThomasD