Natural Muscle June/July 2015 | Page 16

FOOD By: Frank Gigante Natural Pro Jenniffer Merida photo HEALTHY EATING: Practical, Sustainable, and Enjoyable O ne of the ongoing misconceptions in mainstream media is the notion of healthy eating. Foods are frequently labeled as being “good” or “bad”. The notion of healthy eating is misconstrued to mean that one eats only “health” food and never has a cookie, a piece of cake, or pizza. This gets further distorted as people then feel they must eat less to lose weight and beat themselves up mentally if they stray from this restricted regimen. These perceptions are not at all what healthy eating should be. A healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable, sustainable, and include a variety of activities and pursuits. Healthy eating should be the same. What Healthy Eating is Not: Restrictive Healthy eating should not be restrictive. There are no magic foods that one must eat, or one must stay away from in order to live healthy and feel good. When it comes to being a fitness strategist, I make it a point not to set anyone up for failure, by giving them a specific list of foods that they must eat or a list of restricted foods that they can never eat. My goal is to work with people where they are at, using the foods that they like, and providing education and suggestions so they begin to make small changes that will yield long term and lasting results. 16 Natural Muscle Magazine Labeling Foods The focus of healthy eating is not on good foods or bad foods, as there is no such thing, but on choosing quality food sources while allowing for other less quality foods that will still lead to meeting their nutritional needs and goals. Concrete Healthy eating is ever changing. Food choices should change. Peoples’ likes and dislikes of certain foods will vary. Seasonal foods add great opportunities for variety and creative meals and menus. Branch out, try new foods and learn to incorporate different foods and dishes into your lifestyle that will still work to meet your goals. The How of Eating Healthy How does one “eat healthy”? The key to any successful plan is it needs to be practical and something that can be maintained for A long time. Even when choosing healthier food choices, do not choose foods simply because they are healthier. If you don’t like broccoli, do not buy it or force yourself to eat it. There is no need for that type of torture and it will only lead to a breakdown in your June/July 2015 plan. It is almost inevitable that at some point, you will no longer force yourself to eat broccoli, then you will feel bad and the guilt and downward spiral begin from there. Instead, a great place to start is with the foods you eat now. Use what you are already eating and start to look at those foods in determining are they helping or hurting you in meeting your nutrition needs and health goals. This is not necessarily a list to rid yourself of all the foods you like. If you enjoy pizza, there is no reason you cannot have pizza. You may not eat it every day, and you probably won’t eat a whole pizza at every sitting, so there is no reason not to enjoy pizza when you want it. There are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in pizza. Those can all be worked in within your daily needs without the guild or feeling like you need to run on H