Natural Muscle Holiday 2016 Natural Muscle | Page 30

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30 Natural Muscle Magazine Holiday 2016


VS .

FREE WEIGHTS smith machine squatting

Paul C . Henning Ph . D ., CSCS

Bodybuilders and strength athletes generally prefer free weight exercises over machines because they are unstable , thus providing greater recruitment of musculature . ( 1 ) ��� ������ �� �������� �� ���� ���� ��� ������ �� ��� ��� beginners and don ’ t require spotters . There are few studies comparing a similar movement pattern between a free weight and machine exercise in order to determine which is optimal for muscle activation . ( 2 )

One of the most popular exercises used by strength athletes for training leg musculature is the free weight squat . The Smith machine squat allows an individual to perform a similar movement , but under a much more stable exercise environment . Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan , Canada conducted a study to assess electromyographic ( EMG ) activity of prime movers and stabilizers during squatting using free weights and Smith machine with a maximal load for 8 reps . EMG evaluates and records electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles . ( 3 ) These researchers hypothesized that in the Smith machine squat , upper leg muscle activity would be higher . In the free weight squat , activity of muscles in the trunk and lower leg would be higher .
Results from this study demonstrate that the free weight squat educed a 34 %, 26 %, and 49 % higher EMG mean absolute value ( MAV ) from gastrocnemius , biceps femoris and vastus medialis �������� ������������� �������� ��� ����������� ��� ��� ���� ��� vastus lateralis muscle was higher in the free weight squat . When averaged across all muscle groups , free weight squat elicited a 43 % higher EMG MAV compared to Smith machine squat . ( 2 )
This study was designed to have applicability to typical training sessions utilizing free weight and Smith machine squats with heavy weights for desired number of reps ( i . e . 8RM ). Contrary to the author ’ s hypothesis , muscles of the legs showed greater EMG activity with free weight squatting compared to Smith machine squatting . Their hypothesis was based on the fact that an individual can lift heavier loads during Smith machine squatting due to the greater stability provided by the machine . ( 4 ) These researchers suggest that the greater quadriceps muscle recruitment during free weight squats may be due to the increased stabilization these muscles play during this exercise . ( 2 ) In conclusion , this study indicates that when training the major muscle groups of the legs , the free weight squat is superior to the Smith machine squat and may possibly result in greater strength and hypertrophy development over time . ( 2 ) It is crucial for a beginner to take their time and learn the proper biomechanics and technique �� ���� �������� ���� � �������� �������� ����� ���� ���� �� ���� � spotter when utilizing heavy loads .
References 1 . Haff G . Roundtable discussion : Machines versus free weights . Strength and Conditioning Journal 2000 ; 22:18-30 . 2 . Schwanbeck S , Chilibeck PD , Binsted G . A comparison of free weight squat to Smith machine squat using electromyography . J Strength Cond Res 2009 ; 23:2588-91 . 3 . Kamen G . Electromyographic Kinesiology . . In : Robertson Dea , ed . Research Methods in Biomechanics . Champaign , IL : Human Kinetics ; 2004 . 4 . Cotterman ML , Darby LA , Skelly WA . Comparison of muscle force production using the Smith machine and free weights for bench press and squat exercises . J Strength Cond Res 2005 ; 19:169-76 .