Natura September - October 2013 | Page 31

the last decades to design large monolithic volumes, Beyaz Atölye instead concentrated on the human scale of the building and its organization of volumes and materials. Beyaz Atölye’s design proposed not an individual building but rather a building complex between human and urban scale that won the 3rd Honorable Mention in this competition. Furthermore in advancing their ideas on humane scale and public space, the architects proposed a large scale application of Travertine cladding creating a link to the architecture of the antique cities in the region to partly focus the design on a modern adaptation of the vernacular Mediterranean architecture. Beyaz Atölye is a young practice established by Mehmet Can Günay, İsmail Cem Özen and Selim Tabak in 2005 later joined by Seçil Yavuz and Çiğdem Tabak as partners. They have like many of their young peers in Istanbul been engaged in a range of competitions and design services from product to urban scales while also performing activities in project management and construction. Beyaz Atölye is also known for their attention to material including the application of natural stone surfaces in projects such as Feriloft Residences Social Center Interior Design Project, Feriköy, İstanbul, 2011, and Ören Mountain House, Ören, Muğla, 2010. For Beyaz Atölye’s project proposal for Gazipaşa, their effort was to balance material and spatial features with the need for usable public space in this hot Mediterranean location. Gazipaşa in Antalya province with a population of 47,000 is located on the border with the adjacent province of Mersin and has traditionally had an agricultural economy focusing on fruits such as oranges. In 1989 the city was declared as a tourism development area that led to an increase in urban development and other real estate investments. Üçüncü kat planı (+12.50m kotu) / Third floor plan (+12.50m level) 1- Sekreterya / Secretary 2- Bekleme salonu / Waiting hall 3- Başkan makam odası / Mayor’s room 4- Başkan özel dinlenme / Mayor’s private room 5- Teras / Terrace 6- Başkan yardımcıları / Deputy mayors 7- Müfettiş odası / Superviser’s room 8- Başkanlık özel kalem / Private secreteriat 9- Toplantı odası / Meeting room 10- Ofis / Office 11- Dördüncü kat planı (+16.50m kotu) / Fourth floor plan (+16.50m level) 12- Restoran giriş / Restaurant entrance 13- Mutfak / Kitchen ŞARTNAME KAPSAMINDA BELİRTİLEN ARSA KIYIYA VE MARİNAYA GİDEN ÖNEMLİ BİR AKS ÜZERİNDE YER ALIYOR. THE SELECTED BUILDING SITE IS LOCATED ON A MAIN BOULEVARD OPENING TO THE COAST AND THE MARINA. Birinci bodrum kat planı (-2.80m kotu) / First basement floor plan (-2.80m level) 1- Belediye otopark girişi / City hall parking entrance 2- Giriş / Entrance 3- Danışma / Information desk 4- Arşiv / Archive 5- Genel depo / Common storage 6- Çay ocağı / Tea room 7- Ticari birim depo / Shops’ storage 8- Depo / Storage 9- Teknik / Technical room 10- Ofis / Office İkinci bodrum kat planı (-5.60m kotu) / Second basement floor plan (-5.60m level) 1- Sinema otopark girişi / Parking entrance of the cinema 2- Bilet satış / Ticket office 3- Büfe / Snack bar 4- Depo / Storage 5- Sinema fuaye / Cinema foyer 6- Sinema salonu / Theatre 7- Teknik / Technical room 8- Personel odası / Staff room 9- WC 10- Ticari birim depo / Shops’ storage 11- Sığınak / Safe room EYLÜL - EKİM 2013 / SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 • NATURA 31