Natura November - December 2013 | Page 89

main facilities for the doctors, the patients, and the researchers is connected to the smaller volume with a glass bridge which accommodates the conference centre, the auditorium, restaurant, and the offices of the Champalimaud Foundation. There is an openair amphitheatre, facing the water, available to the citizens of Lisbon for concerts, scientific lectures and discussions. This large complex integrates private and public functions in its monumental architecture, and the architect proudly states that more than half the site has been given back to the citizens of Lisbon to celebrate their history. Inner gardens, courtyards, and terraces at various levels offer a peaceful environment for the researchers and the patients. Charles Correa underlines the particular function of the building with these words: “What makes me most proud about this project is that it is NOT a Museum of Modern Art. On the contrary, it uses the highest levels of contemporary science and medicine to help people grappling with real problems; cancer, brain damage, going blind. And to house these cuttingedge activities, we tried to create a piece of architecture. ARAŞTIRMACILARIN VE DOKTORLARIN HİZMETİNE SUNULAN İÇ BAHÇE SAKİN VE HUZURLU BİR ORTAM SUNUYOR. THE INNER GARDENS FOR THE DOCTORS AND THE RESEARCHERS OFFER A PEACEFUL ENVIRONMENT. KASIM - ARALIK 2013 / NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 • NATURA 89