Natura May- June 2014 | Page 102

Projeler/Projects: Ulan Batur/Ulan Bator Milli mimari meselesi diplomatik binaların tasarımında daha da kritik hale gelen bir konu...Son 10 yılda Dışişleri Bakanlığı özellikle Avrasya bölgesinde yeni büyükelçilik ve konsolosluk binaları ile faaliyetini arttırıyor. New York gibi önemli merkezlerin yanı sıra Ukrayna, Kenya ve Katar gibi ülkelerde binalar yapmak üzere önemli mimarlar görevlendirdi. Bu yapılardan büyük bölümü milli bir mimari kimlik ihtiyacını ortaya koyacak şekilde Osmanlı örneklerinin yeniden ele alınmasıyla gerçekleştirildi. Burada bir Neo-Osmanlı trendinden government have seen an increase in the use of a historicist neo-Ottoman style for many public buildings. The issue of national architecture becomes even more critical in the design of diplomatic buildings. In the last decade the Foreign Ministry of Turkey has been active in building out its presence for new embassies and consular buildings especially in the Eurasian area. Leading architects have been commissioned to design diplomatic buildings in countries such as Ukraine, Kenya and Qatar as well as important centers such as New York. Some of these buildings have reflected the need for a national architectural identity based in most cases on a reworking of Ottoman examples. We can speak here of a trend in neo-Ottoman architecture. But importantly there have been some architects that have used the functional and material aspects of Turkish architecture for more practical purposes. This is the strategy that Han Tümertekin has used in his new Turkish Embassy building in the capital of Mongolia. The architecture of this building based on a combination of 102 NATURA • MAYIS - HAZİRAN 2014 / MAY - JUNE 2014