Natura May - June 2013 | Page 91

Yerleşim planı / Settlement plan 1- İzolasyon Bölgesi: 267 m2 , 2- Koruma Bölgesi: 586 m2 , 3- Meyve Bahçesi: 18.324 m2 , 4- Konut Bölgesi: 376 m2 , 5- Orman Alanı, 6- Ege Denizi evlerde barınıyordu. Mermer başta olmak üzere, doğal taşları işlemedeki akılalmaz hünerleri ile bilinen uygarlığın yerleşik hayat sürdüğü alanlarında yapılan kazılarda, çok sayıda soyut, mermerden yapılmış kadın heykellerine rastlandı. MILOS ADASI MORFOLOJISINE SAHIP ÇIKAN KONUT Proje Milos Adası’nın güney yamaçlarında, toplam 60 hektarlık arsa içinde, 376 m2 taban alanına sahip olacak şekilde, 2011-2012 yılları arasında inşa edildi. İnşaat alanı Avrupa Birliği sınırları dâhilinde çevre koruma alanlarındaki yapılaşmalar üzerine söz sahibi olan Natura 2000 isimli kuruluş tarafından Milos Adası’nın çok özel niteliklere sahip doğal yapısını korumak amacıyla bu kadarla sınırlı tutulmuş. Bu nedenle mimarlar güneş ışığı, rüzgar, manzara, denizin sesi, jeolojik morfoloji ve yerel flora açısından en uygun noktayı bulmak üzere arazide mikro-çevre arayışına girmişler. Proje mimarlar tarafından İmersiyon, Meyve Bahçesi, Koruma ve İzolasyon olarak tanımlanan, etrafı duvarlarla çevrili işlev alanlarını içeriyor. Tasarım ekibi, yerleşim alanındaki bu dört alanın arsadaki yerlerinin belirlenme ilkesini ‘kartezyen olmayan grid’ şeklinde ifade ediyor ve bu sebeple projelerini, 19. yüzyılda yaşamış Rus matematikçi Georgy Voronoi’ye ithafen ‘Voronoi’nin Ağılları’ anlamına gelen ‘Voronoi’s Corrals’ olarak isimlendiriyorlar. İlk bakışta gelişigüzel gibi görünse de, bitkilendirme düzeninden alan yerleştirmesine, hatta zemindeki şekillere kadar tüm müdahaleler Voronoi giridine göre belirlenmiş. Much of decaArchitecture’s distinctive work including their iconic buried house Aloni from 2010 is located in the Cyclades Islands. The Cyclades, the site of this featured project Voronoi’s Corrals in Milos Island, is an archipelago with 220 minor and major islands in the southwestern Aegean Sea, north of Crete. The name of the archipelago, Cyclades, originates from the early Greek Cycladic civilization that ruled the region during the Bronze Age between 3000 - 2000 BC. Cycladic culture is mentioned in primary sources due to their trade connections with other Mediterranean cultures such as the Minoan to the south and the Anatolian Hattians and Hittites to the east. Today many of the islands are not inhabited with only 21 islands including Milos having settlements. The dwellings of the ancient Cycladic people were distinctive for their simple organization of two volumes with internal connections. More recent vernacular architecture also features homes with natural stone cladding and the more famous pure white façades connected to and surrounded by perimeter walls carved directly into the volcanic rock of the Islands. And lastly Cycladic civilization is perhaps most well known for the perfectly cut, abstract sculptures in the local white marble that are found in museums all around the world. TOPOGRAPHY AS ARCHITECTURE ON MILOS Voronoi’s Corrals was built at the edge of the cliffs of the shoreline of Milos Island in 2012. The total construction area of 60 hectares with the 376 m2 residential building was determined by Natura 2000 planning legislation for the administration of construction in natural preservation sites in the European Union. The limitations for the total construction area in the very unique natural setting of Milos Island considerably limited the built area of this residential project. Due to these limitations, the architects carefully considered the individual micro-environments on the site that would be the most appropriate in terms of sunlight, wind, the view and access to the sea while considering the Islands unique topography and vegetation. Based on these considerations the project was designed as four zones surrounded by walls around the concept of the fenced corral: the Immersion corral, the Orchard corral, the Preservation corral and the Isolation corral. decaArchitecture placed these four zones on a ‘nonCartesian grid’ plan based on the geometric theories of 19th century Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoi. In the plan for Voronoi Corrals the outline of the zones and the placement of the architectural elements based on the Voronoi diagram is used to divide space into a number of regions that defines the plan of the buildings and the site plan. Topography and architectural geometry meet through the code of the Voronoi diagram. The Immersion corral, the main house on the site, is situated on a plateau at the very south edge of the white cliffs. The house lies on rocky ground and is characterized by multiple transformations in its form due to differences in the sloping topography. In fact the existing topography was not altered to accommodate the Immersion corral MAYIS-HAZİRAN / MAY-JUNE 2013 • NATURA 91