Natura May - June 2013 | Page 76

Projeler/Projects: Logroño Avlusunda aynı zamanda konser ve film gösterimleri gibi birtakım yan etkinlikler de düzenlenen La Grajera Şaraphanesi’nde, şarap üretiminden tadımına kadarki süreçleri ziyaretçilere göstermek amacıyla tasarım ekibi tarafından özel bir rota belirlenmiş. Öngörülen bu rota topografyaya gömülü birimden başlayıp, yer yüzeyinde bulunan kırık hatlı birimde son buluyor. Virai Arquitectos, kullanılan siyah kayrak taşı, kumtaşı ve seramik panel gibi malzemeler ile yalın formların ön planda tutulduğu tasarımlarında; malzeme ile estetik arasında modernlik, yerellik ve ekoloji gibi bağlamlarda bir denge kurmaya çalışıyor. Mimarlar, her aşamasında beş duyuya hitap eden tasarımlarını da bir metaforla ifade ediyorlar: “Üzüm bahçeleri, peyzajı ve ışığı yer altına çekiyoruz. Karanlık bir dünyaya... Sakin, derin ve serin bu ortamda üzümü şaraba dönüştürüyoruz. Gezi güzergahı, tekrar ışıkla aydınlanan, renkli bir dünyaya dönüyor. Şarabı da yanına alarak...” 1 2 1-2 ÜretimDepolama Birimindeki jeotermal enerji döngüsü. Geo-thermal energy circle in the Production-Storage Unit. BİNA, EĞİMLİ ÇATI FORMU SAYESİNDE, RÜZGAR KAYNAKLI BASINÇ FARKLILIKLARINDAN EN AZ ORANDA ETKİLENECEK. THE SLOPING DESIGN OF THE ROOF IS INTENDED TO REDUCE THE EFFECT OF WIND BASED AIR PRESSURE. 76 NATURA • MAYIS - HAZİRAN 2013 / MAY - JUNE 2013 use of ceramic on the office tower and event pavilion that provides an interesting perspective on the site with its angular form articulated by grey ceramic panels, a customized construction technique designed in collaboration with the Spanish ceramic producer Favetón. These grey ceramic panels that look like metallic panels are used to maintain a consistent surface on the curtain wall façade and as thermal insulation for the pavilion providing minimum energy loss. In line with Spanish architectural trends the material, technical and ecological consciousness driving the design for ‘La Grajera’ is clear and direct in all its strategies. Furthermore there is an urban and social use in terms of specific wine related activities and the broader use of the space for public programs and activities, film screenings, concerts and meetings in the ‘La Grajera’ courtyard. The collection of buildings and outdoor spaces gives the aura of an urban farm. In addition to the urban sensibility of the outdoor spaces, there is also the more specific spatial planning around wine production. For this, the design team created a route where visitors can experience all the steps of wine production from the fermentation to marketing. This route starts in the sandstone clad Production-Storage Unit, and ends in the pavilion as a distinct aspect of site planning. In this project, Virai Arquitectos maintains a balance between modernism, the local vernacular and ecology, between material and aesthetics. They rely in the direct and clear use of materials such as sandstone, black flagstone and ceramic to achieve a structurally expressive and logical architecture. This architecture is literally grounded in its context and topography but in a sensitive ecological manner. The shape of the buildings determined by energy concerns and climate control required by wine making were a key design factor that resulted in locally driven architecture. The building is a mix of qualities, being modern, open and spacious but also low, hidden and dark. The architects explain their design strategy for ‘La Grajera’ in how the building appeals to the five senses in parallel to the sensual experience of wine itself: “From the vineyard, the landscape and the light, we submerge ourselves slowly in a subterranean world, a world of darkness, stillness, depth and coolness in which the grape is transformed into wine. The itinerary then returns to the world of light, scenery and colors, bringing with it wine as we know it.”