Natura March - April 2013 | Page 51

A.M. QATTAN VAKFI BİNASI, RAMALLAH’IN TİREH BÖLGESİNDE EĞİMLİ BİR ARAZİ ÜZERİNE İNŞAA EDİLECEK. THE A.M. QATTAN BUILDING WILL BE BUILT ON A SLOPE IN THE TIREH NEIGBORHOOD OF RAMALLAH. Vaziyet planı/Site plan As the administrative center for the Palestinian Authority, Ramallah has attracted many international and national organizations that have made the city their base. One of the most prominent is the A.M. Qattan Foundation established by Abdul Mohsen Al-Qattan, a wealthy Palestinian businessman who set-up the charity organization in 1994 in London. Since 1998 the Foundation has been working for the development of culture and education in Palestine with a particular focus on children, teachers and young, promising arti 7G2आf