Narratives, Otherwise | Page 37

want to be recognized for this shitty situation? While trying to find something or someone to point the blame at for my bowel pains I noticed, as did Foucault that “the state only rarely exercises its right to kill. Instead it directs life, letting those who wish to swim against the tide to do so until they cross a line or exhaust themselves.” (Hospices of Late Liberalism, p. 118) In figurative words, the president did not come into my house and punch me in the stomach but I’m sure he had something to do with policies for oil refineries, interstates, power lines, food quality control and even the custody and other laws that cause me to feel the states phantom blow to the gut. I tried to show all the different aspects of my life that might be the cause of my stomach problems, but had to leave some of the narrative out due to time and my drawing abilities.   36