Narratives, Otherwise | Page 17

one size does not fit all. So, the freegan application in the neoliberalist system is sort of like a reaction; a reaction of gaining back agency with the aims on other people’s agency. Conclusion Dumpster-diving as an activity of freegans proves to be a movement associated with shifting the perception of food waste. Waste, then reappropriated as a viable form of sustenance. Yet it remains a sustenance of stigma that is fueled by its actor’s ideals for a more distributive consumption of goods. An implied healthist slant on the part of divers grabbing the reigns of their own responsibly and direction in practice of obtaining foods. Diver ideology being concerned with aforementioned societal ecologies of self-governance then becomes their way to connect with a gifting and counter-gifting of their surplus searches. By recognizing how these diver-actors maintain their anti-capitalist yet subtly neoliberal motivations is important in framing dumpster-diving out of choice as a movement birthed of appointed-responsibility as motive for practice and response.       16