Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine NK LCM February 2018 Anniversary Issue | Page 74

“No, I don’t have bail money for you today,” Samara with a patient smile. “You won’t need it,” Monique replied, running a manicured hand through her bouncy curls. “There are ways of getting the message across without seeing the inside of a jail. Right, Rheena?” “She said it best,” Rhena answered, without taking a hazel-eyed gaze from Tamika. “The fact that you’re even here is classless,” Satanya said, her olive skin flushing with color. “But to come at my mother like that—that’s some next level, low level right there.” Bayyinah, the quiet one of her daughters, nodded. “Indeed. But you don’t know how low we can go. We’ll meet you in the darkness and you’ll never find your way out.” Samara tried to hold back a laugh. Nothing like being pissed off to bring out that inner hood from one generation back. And her daughters had it in spades. “He wanted his ashes sprinkled at sea,” Tamika whined, her red lips trembling with emotion. “I promised him that I would.” Samara swept a gaze across all six of her daughters, shifted to a space right past them and snatched the silver urn from the mantel. She was scaling up one side of winding stairs in a flash. Her daughters, Tamika, and several others right behind her. She made it to the master bathroom, flung open the door, and dumped the contents of the urn directly into the waiting arms of the porcelain god. Tamika’s screams rent the air, overshadowing the gasps that came from her daughters and the onlookers peering in. A loud flush signaled the second part of the process; followed by another and then another to make sure none of her husband’s remains were circling the bowl. When all was clear, Samara turned toward all of the shocked faces staring back at her and said, “The sewer leads out to Lake Michigan eventually. He’ll just have to go through a lot of shit to get there.” Tamika screeched and lunged forward, wrapping her hands around Samara’s neck. The movements carried them into the master bedroom and landed them on the bed. Samara struggled within the woman’s death grip as Ebony and Rhena rushed in to assist. The rest of the sisters kept everyone at bay. No one saw the hand that slid beneath the fluffy pillows. Everyone witness the glint of steel reflecting off the last remnants of daylight peering through the windows. 74 | NKLC Magazine