Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine March 2017 Issue | Page 59

Move Me No Mountain by Sierra Kay

Move Me No Mountain by Sierra Kay

The puddle trapped in the crevices of the sidewalk grows stale without a breeze It awaits the burning heat of the sun To change its composition and give it wings to fly
The beat of my heart causes a physical expansion That even the armor of my ribs can ’ t contain Forcing my mouth to open , my chest to rise and fall Giving me life
But the concept of settle , even the two syllables of the word are like the door closing and latching on a glass cage There is no air I can ’ t breathe
Beauty ’ s DNA is imprinted on my soul I was not born to bystand I ’ m not done moving mountains Beauty changes my composition until I ’ m uplifted Floating , integrating into its snowflake tapestry
I don ’ t stand ; I fly . Come with me .