Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine Cavalcade Issue of NKLCM | Page 61

Story Note

London St . Charles

Sugarcoated Deception

Story Note

Sugarcoated Deception was a fun and easy story to write . Typically , I write in silence , but this story was written with the song , Blindspot by Huntar playing on a continuous loop in the background . The main character Cadence is faced with the dilemma of believing that her husband didn ’ t cheat on her and father a child when all evidence says otherwise . This is a clear case of things aren ’ t always what they seem . The unique factor is that the wife has to uncover his former girlfriend ’ s deceit while coming to terms how recent events impact her marriage .
Four words would put an end to Cadence Goldsmith ’ s perfect life . “ That ’ s Mr . Goldsmith , Mommy .” She searched out the source of that small childlike screech , an unnatural occurrence in the Adali Global Reveal . The event was an exclusive affair for people who worked in the European auto market .
Cadence peered around the velvet curtain from her spot backstage of the McCormick Place Convention Center , surprised to find that her husband , Jackson , and mother , Phylicia were sitting in the front row next to a scowling Steven Bekker , her work nemesis .
“ Hiiiiiii , Mr . Goldsmith ,” a little girl with light-brown skin , blueeyes and puffy blonde twists crooned , as she rushed to stand near her husband . “ You work at my school .”
Cadence grimaced . Why was a child there and why was she so interested in Jackson ? Wait , was that an image of her husband on that child ’ s shirt ? She almost couldn ’ t make it out because the girl ’ s fist twisted the material . “ I present to you , CDO , Cadence Goldsmith .” Applause rang out as she strutted center stage with her attention on the bleached-blonde woman wearing a navy dress , who grinned and winked at her before taking an empty seat next to Jackson and pulling the little girl onto her lap . Jackson glanced at Cadence , then frowned as he put his focus back on the woman . She didn ’ t miss the panic that took over his features for a split second .
Cadence ’ s heart surged with a bit of panic of her own . She prayed that her confidence would still show through , even though relishing the acknowledgement of being the designer of the first self-driving automobile was taking a back seat to Jackson and the unknown guests .
Jackson , who seemed occupied with the distraction that little girl had become , hadn ’ t acknowledged Cadence at all . He and the woman were having a heated , but whispered conversation . Jackson ’ s body language — tense and angry — screamed discomfort .
“ May I have everyone ’ s attention please ,” Cadence said walking to the edge of the stage , standing in front of her husband .
Jackson ’ s brown eyes gazed into hers , but the comfort and security she usually felt was missing . “ Mommy , now ,” the little girl asked . “ Shhhh .” The woman placed an index finger to her thin pink lips .
“ Not yet .”