Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine Cavalcade Issue of NKLCM | Page 53

Karen D. Bradley The Confection Assignment Story Note Writing keeps me sane. Creating this piece for the Sugar Anthology challenged me to be more concise due to the word count limitation. I was honored to be among an amazing group of authors. It created an environment of education, elevation, and encouragement which allowed me to im- prove my writing skills. Mia’s head snapped up at a sound that wasn’t anything like the faint echoes of music from the other end of the lake. For some reason, her instinct was on high alert especially since the additional security team was missing in action. “Having dinner out here was a great idea,” Mia said for the sake of their nosy neighbor Patty, who was walking in their direction as Calvin approached the table. The older woman wasn’t any cause for concern. “You like me cooking for you.” He brought out the spaghetti and salad, slid it on the table, then leaned in, kissing Mia. He wrapped his arm around her waist, nuzzling her neck. “Maybe we should have dessert first.” “I’ll not be reheating dinner tonight.” Pushing him away, she turned him back toward the house, then swatted that gorgeous rear end of his to send him on his way. “You need to go grab those breadsticks. I’ll open the wine.” Calvin, who had never been married, enjoyed playing the role of husband a little too much. He winked before stepping off the planks and into the dining room. He paused at the door and glanced over his shoulder. “We need to do this more often.” Most often wouldn’t happen. Tonight was the last day of her assignment, then she’d be back to her regular life and that didn’t include being a high security detail protector to a top secret invention and its handsome creator. Several minutes later, she poured him a glass of red wine before fixing their plates. She scanned the area again and a tingle of suspicion ignited in her mind. What’s taking him so long? “Calvin, today would be nice,” Mia yelled. She perched on the chair, waiting for his smart response. None came. Mia placed the glass on the table and swept into the house. Calvin wasn’t in the kitchen. If he had slipped into his office to work instead of joining her outside, there was going to be a problem. Mia laid eyes on Calvin as she rounded the corner, but his