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Marketing Ideas Let your marketing strategy be your road sign It may give emerging business an edge as to increasingly compete head-to-head with other companies from the developed world. We understand that a brilliant strategy can put you on the competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. Marketing is one crucial fundamental on strategy making, and we have to think and rethink before we buckle it on competition arena. These days talking about planning strategy you will realize that every business knows how to formulate strategy even at extremely challenges and on difficult times. But what makes most business seen has not moving in term of success? In this generation there is no business existing without strategy plans but we can witness some still fail with appropriate strategy tools. The only reason why they fail to meet their target is that, they assume they have identify their opportunity in the market and they know their competitors while they still do not know how to make they strategy work for them. Making plan work could be even better than creating the plan, this is what we mean by execution and it’s the secret to competitive success. By being the vital tool for business success, Corporate and multibillion organizations may ingrained culture and structure as away of doing things, so for them to adapt the new competitive environment . They have to experience major changes, and those change might be more difficult to sail them through. Execution represents a disciplined process or a logical set of connected activities that enables an organization to take a strategy and make it work. Without a careful, planned approach to execution, strategic goals can’t be achieved Developing such a logical approach, however, represents a formidable challenge to manageable task. Even with careful development of an execution plan at the business level, execution success is not guaranteed. Although execution is critical to strategic success, making strategy work presents a formidable challenge. Still, the execution of strategy is not nearly as clear and understood as the formulation of strategy. Much more is known about planning than doing, about strategy making than making strategy work.. Though execution is extremely difficult and it been believed that there are formidable hurdles that get in the way of the execution process and seriously injure the implementation of strategy. The road to successful execution Major factors that may debilitate execution, are politics, inertia, is full of potholes that must be negotiated for execution success. The biggest obstacle is that managers know more about strategy formulation than implementation. The business school trained them to plan, not execute plans. With the lack of training in execution is the fact that strategy and resistance to change. They are routinely can get in the way of execution success. The reality of all this is that managers apparently still don't know a great deal about the execution of strategy. It’s the major problem and challenge that is facing our business of this generation, even and planning in most business schools are taught in "silos," by departments or disciplines, and execution suffers further. The view that marketing strategy, financial strategy, HR strategy, and so on is the only "right" approach is deleterious to the Integrative view demanded by political institutes are affected . execution. Nairobi Backer Advertisement Magazine© March 2014