N. Texas Dentistry Special Issue 2014 Inside the Exceptional Practice | Page 26

A One Stop Resource for Dental Practices in the North Texas Community The Coalition of Dental Advisors (CODA) is a unique dental study club that brings together a diverse group of advisors ZKRVHXOWLPDWHJRDOLVWKHîQDQFLDOVWDELOLW\DQGVXFFHVVRI their clients. The group, comprised of an attorney, CPA, real estate broker, practice broker, practice consultant, compliance VSHFLDOLVW LQVXUDQFH EURNHUEHQHîW DGYLVRU DQG D SDWLHQW insurance specialist, are among the most knowledgeable SURIHVVLRQDOVLQ'DOODVLQWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHîHOGV(DFKPHPEHU is dedicated to making sure their clients get H