N. Texas Dentistry Special Issue 2014 Inside the Exceptional Practice | Page 13

Cutting The Cord The Advantages of Self-Contained Operatories You are about to move into a new space... or are about to expand your existing office and are now faced with the issue of plumbing. There are many questions that come to mind: ‡ ,VWKHUHDFRQFUHWHVODEXQGHUWKHVSDFH" ‡ ,VWKHOHDVHLQFUHGLEO\UHVWULFWLYH" ‡ :KDWVXUSULVHVZLOO,UXQLQWRZLWKXWLOLW\OLQHV" ‡ $UHWKHUHSHUPLWVUHTXLUHG" ‡ 'R,ZDQWWRGHDOZLWKFRQWUDFWRUKDVVOHV" The answer to all of these questions is simple: A self-contained mobile operatory. 5HFHQWDGYDQFHVLQPRELOHGHQWLVWU\PDNHFXWWLQJWKHFRUGRQSOXPEing much more practical. Self-contained mobile operatories are increasingly being used in school-based programs, nursing homes, PHGLFDO FHQWHUV DQG PLOLWDU\ EDVHV 'HQWDO PDQXIDFWXUHUV KDYH UHVSRQGHG WR JURZLQJ GHPDQG E\ GHYHORSLQJ SOXPELQJIUHH solutions that are reasonably priced and fully functional to meet all clinical needs. Product Highlight: Aseptico AMC-20 Mobile Dental Cart $VHSWLFR¶V$0& RIIHUV PRUH EXLOWLQ SHUVRQDOL]DWLRQ WKDQ \RXU VWDQGDUGGHOLYHU\V\VWHP7KHVWDQGDUGYHUVLRQLQFOXGHVDWKUHHZD\ air/water syringe, two highspeed connections, one lowspeed connecWLRQKLJKYROXPHYDFXXPDQGVDOLYDHMHFWRUVXFWLRQ&XVWRPEXLOW WR\RXUVSHFLILFDWLRQVWKH$0&FDQIHDWXUHDQHOHFWULFKDQGSLHFH connection, scaler, curing light, fiber optic connections, an amalgam VHSDUDWRUDX[LOLDU\ZRUNLQJWUD\VDQGHYHQGXDOYROWDJH ,QWKHSDVWIRXU\HDUVPRELOHGHQWDOWHFKQRORJ\KDVRYHUFRPHZKDW ZDV LWV ELJJHVW REVWDFOH FRPSUHVVRU QRLVH DQG YDFXXP VWUHQJWK Today’s self-contained units operate quietly and powerfully enough WRRSHUDWHPXOWLSOHKDQGSLHFHVZLWKHDVHZKLOHDOVRSURYLGLQJKLJK YROXPHDQGVDOLYDHMHFWRUVXFWLRQFRPSDUDEOHWRSOXPEHGRSHUDWRULHV 6HOIFRQWDLQHG PRELOH RSHUDWRULHV DUH GHVLJQHG DQG EXLOW WR ODVW$ FDUW V\VWHP VXFK DV WKH$0& IURP$VHSWLFR ,PDJH   KDV D WZR\HDUZDUUDQW\DQGZLOOSURYLGH\HDUVRIUHOLDEOHVHUYLFHVDYLQJ the clinician tens of thousands of dollars in plumbing and contractor costs at each new location. One doctor’s view of his cost savings with the AMC-20: ³,KDYHEHHQDGHQWLVWIRU