Mê Thú Cưng - Pet Magazine for Vietnam Số Tết | Số 6 | Tet Issue | Issue Six 2015 | Page 66

Mê Thú Cưng Hướng dẫn Quyền chủ thú cưng 60 69 Ask the Vet? Q&A Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa. DVM, PhD Topic: Treatment of Heartworms Dr. Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa is a specialist in small companion animal medicine, surgery and diagnostic imaging, that provides modern pet care services through his clinic in District 2 in Saigon. A western trained Veterinarian that has studied overseas at the University of Bristol, School of Clinical Veterinary Medicine located in the United Kingdom. Dr. Nghĩa is part of a small group of dedicated Veterinarians in Vietnam using western concepts and practices in the taking care of family pets. Q How do dogs get heartworms? What cause heartworms in a He is also very active with local Animal Rescue and Care groups providing free spraying / neutering of abandoned dogs and cats. A passionate educator who spends his free time in the education of young children, teaching the basics of pet care and the love and respect of all animals. dog? And, can cats get heartworms? Member of British Small Animal Veterinary Medicine Association from an infected dog. The microfilaria develops inside the mosquitoes. When the infected mosquitoes bite our dogs, they transmit the microfilaria to our dogs. The microfilaria then develops in our dog bodies and reaches the heart and becomes adult heartworms and reproduce. Not all types of mosquitoes transmit heartworms. Mosquitoes in the northern parts of Europe and North America are not known host for heartworms. But your dogs living in Vietnam are always at risk of heartworm. Lecturer and Faculty Member of Veterinary Medicine at the Nong Lam University, Vietnam A Heartworms cannot infect blooddogs baby heartworms called microfilaria our without an intermediated host: a mosquito. The mosquitoes suck with Cats can also get heartworms but the infection rate is low at about 1-5%. In dogs, there may be more than 10 heartworm in the heart. In cats a typical infection is two to five worms. 64 Số 06 | 2015 | petmagazine.vn Member of the VSAVA (Vietnam Small Animal Veterinary Association) TOC | Bài đã xuất bản