Mê Thú Cưng - Pet Magazine for Vietnam Số 7, Tập 2 | Issue 7, Volume 2 | Page 64

Mê Thú Cưng Hướng dẫn Quyền chủ thú cưng 58 65 Travel & Pets - Living in Vietnam with Pets Exploring your options in travel and pets Introduction of a new column for all pet owners that might be thinking of bringing your favourite pet along on your journeys within Vietnam. There will also be articles on the somewhat confusing topic of relocating to, and from, Vietnam with pets. 62 TOC | Bài đã xuất bản In this issue we offer you an overview on local travel with your pets. We would also like to thank the Future.Travel travel agency providing an article about general rules and tips for travelling with pets in Vietnam through the use of the services of a travel agency. Số 07 2015 | petmagazine.vn