Mê Thú Cưng - Pet Magazine for Vietnam Số 4 | Issue Four | Page 67

Expats Pet Owner Guide for Vietnam 60 65 the ground, the noise could startle the dog. Then invite the dog to follow you around the house or your courtyard. Then take the leash off and calmly praise the dog. After this is going quite well you can hold the leash and invite the dog to follow you around, eventually opening the gate to go outside. But dont go more than a couple of steps outside at first. Sit down and spend some time with your dog just observing the world outside. Remember your dog will slowly pick up on and play off of your energy. So while looking around, be calm, confident and happy to be outside. Little by little you can venture a little further out. After some time has passed and your dog is wagging its tail and happy to have the leash put on and go out, now you may begin proper normal leash training. Follow this slow technique and general idea when introducing anything new to your rescue dog. Watch their body language. Its how they will first communicate with you. A confident secure and comfortable dog will have its head up, the tail might not be strait up, that would be more when focused, but it shouldn’t be tucked between its legs. They should have relaxed breathing and not be panting. If your dog isn’t relaxed, then take a brake and think about if your approach is to fast or strong. Mê Thú Cưng It might take some time but the reward of saving an animal from a bad situation and gaining their trust is one of the most rewarding and loyal relationships you will ever have. If your dog is growling or showing signs of aggression, it may be necessary to contact a professional. And remember to have a thorough health check and xrays , a lot of dogs aggression comes from pain. If they have been abused they may have broken bones that have healed wrong and various other problems that hurt when they are touched or picked up. This coupled with a lack of trust can cause a problem if not recognized and paid attention to. I myself am always willing to answer email questions and if in your area, come and consult with you and your dog. Best of luck and keep saving lives. If you have any specific dog issues or questions you would like to see addressed in these articles, please email Alpha [email protected] Ricky Forester. Alpha. www.alphahanoi.com Issue 04 | July + August 2014 | petmagazine.vn 65