Mê Thú Cưng - Pet Magazine for Vietnam Số 3 | Issue Three | Page 63

Animal Rescue & Care Vietnam 56 67 a giant, bloody tumor on his penis. It is very uncomfortable for both males and females and treatment often requires both surgery and chemotherapy. That’s a pretty expensive rendezvous, if you ask me. 3 One unsprayed female cat can produce an average of 12 kittens per year. The next year, those 12 kittens can make 12 kittens each. That’s 84 extra cats by the end of the second year. If you can take care of or find good homes for 84 cats, then be my guest and let her breed. If not, I suggest sterilization. One dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 more dogs in six years! But let’s not blame it on the females. It takes two to tango. Unneutered male dogs and cats can produce 2500 babies in one year. My animal shelter has 50 animals in it and it is a lot of work, and no shelter in the world can afford to constantly take in, medicate, vaccinate, and feed animals that are the product of irresponsible breeding. 4 Having a purebred dog does not mean that you have the right and duty to breed it. Rampant inbreeding in purebreds where the animal is used as a means to make money, not as part of a conscious plan of improving the Mê Thú Cưng genetic line of the breed itself, leaves many purebreds plagued with genetic diseases that could have been prevented by responsible breeding. 5 While many people believe that it is best for their animal to experience the “miracle of life” at least once in their lifetimes, this is merely a projection of human psychology. Dogs and cats do not wish to enjoy the process of watching their puppies grow up, go to school, get married and have babies of their own, and frankly, neither do a lot of women. What every mother does have, however, is a vested interest in making sure their offspring survive, something that may not be easy to do if you cannot find loving, lifelong homes for all the babies. 6 The pursuit of sex makes your pet extremely annoying. A cat in heat is like a 24/7 police siren: loud and desperate. Male cats mark territory by spraying urine, a habit that most of even the naughtiest neutered cats do not do. Male dogs also mark things with their urine, such as your coffee table or even your own leg. While they may not be as bad as your average teenage boy in some respects, your pets’ hormones do cause many annoying behaviors. When done correctly, spaying and neutering causes minimal pain and suffering to the animal and will help prolong its life. This is the first step in limiting the population of unwanted animals and making the comfort and health of pets in Vietnam a top priority. CONTACT MS. BESCH | GOFUND ME (DONATIONS) | VAWO WEBSITE Issue 03 | May + June 2014 | petmagazine.vn 61