Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2019 | Page 199

1 . Time of the event : is it day or night time ?
2 . Who will be in attendance ?
3 . What ’ s the appropriate color to wear ? We will now delve into each of these points to clarify their importance and help you make a good impression , each and every time .
Among the other pointers , there are 3 things you need to pay extra attention to when deciding what to wear :

1 . Time of the event : is it day or night time ?

2 . Who will be in attendance ?

3 . What ’ s the appropriate color to wear ? We will now delve into each of these points to clarify their importance and help you make a good impression , each and every time .

You may be asking : “ Why is the time of day so important ?” The answer is simple : if you are going to a daytime garden party , you won ’ t wear sequins and glittery accessories unless stated otherwise on the invitation , or unless you were invited by the iconic NY Fashion Designer Vivian Westwood !
How you look has a lot to do with how you will feel .
For instance , during the day , at a BBQ party , you may feel a lot more comfortable wearing a linen pant-suit than a summer dress made of a satin fabric . Note : not only the style of an outfit , but also the fabric plays a very important role in how you will feel , which you should be mindful of especially during the hot summer season !
Who will be in attendance ? Are there people at the event or gathering that you may be interested in , for instance , people you wish to meet for a business idea you may have ? Do you have a specific purpose for meeting someone or a group of people ? Dressing to impress will be the key here … but don ’ t overdo it .
On a side-note I must mention here that some , especially the younger generation , is of the opinion that wearing less clothes is a surefire way of getting lots of attention . While this may be true , it is a good idea to ask yourself what kind of attention you are attracting . Will it be of the quality that you want ?
What is the appropriate color to wear ? Color has a profound effect on people . Did you ever notice that a lot of financial institutions use the color blue in their uniforms or décor ? The reason is simple : Blue denotes professionalism , knowledge and skill .
With that being said , it is always a good idea to wear a bluetoned outfit when going to a business meeting , or if you wish to work professionally with a person you are set to meet during an event .
Ladies , this is a valuable tip : If you are interested in a gentleman , wearing an outfit that is appropriate for the time of day , in the color red , is a surefire way of ensuring that the gentleman will remember you forever . He may not remember your name but , he definitely will be able to recall you from the many faces in the crowd he would have met that day .
Of course , there are more factors that influence how you will be perceived by others . Your hair , your nails , your make-up , your shoes … And , next time , we ’ ll dig a bit deeper into the psychological effect that color has on people …
Remember :“ You ’ ll only get ONE chance to make your First Impression …”

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