Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2018 | Page 150

Basic Belizean Seaweed Shake Dried seaweed can be purchased in shops in Belize. When stored in an airtight container, it will be good for up to one year. Put dried seaweed in a pot of water and boil until it dissolves and thickens Remove from pot and set aside to cool When cool, place in a blender with evaporated milk, condensed milk, to taste, dash of nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon and ice Blend until smooth You can jazz up your smoothie by adding fun ingredients of your choice when blending, such as rum, espresso, banana, or even Bailey’s Irish Cream. For more information on seaweed in Belize, visit www.belizeseaweed.com Click here for a related article [...] PC: Deborah H.