Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2016 | Page 332

The Summit of Mt. Scenery | Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine

Mt. Scenery is the highest point in Saba, 877 m. Lush, dense vegetation with a variety of species
cover the summit and upper slopes. The Elfin Forest (cloud-forest) dominates the upper 50m of the
mountain and is comprised of Mountain Mahogany covered with Epiphytes, Orchids and a myriad
of other unique and rare plants.

Photo Credit David B. Gleason

Lower Slopes
Just below the summit you’ll find mountain palms, tree ferns, elephant ears and heliconias. Secondary
rainforest and dry evergreen forest are found lower down on the slopes. Species in this zone include
redwood, sea grape, white cedar and turpentine trees as well as cacti species such as the prickly pear.
Closer to the sea grassy meadows, scattered shrubs proliferate.
Steep cliffs and bluffs can be seen throughout the island with several sheer walls rising over 100m. Due
to its rugged terrain, Saba does not have typical Caribbean beaches but there are several sandy bays that
change with the prevailing ocean swells.